Judith: The Night She Stayed Home (2010) FAN FILM

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Judith: The Night She Stayed Home


TRICK-OR-TREAT! It's Halloween day in the quiet rural community of Haddonfield, Illinois. Judith Myers and her best friend D'arcy Mims are planning a Halloween night camp-out at The Myers House with their friends. Judith is trying to forget the growing tensions in her family and wants to immerse herself in a carefree celebration, but her reclusive brother's presence casts an ominous shadow over their cheerful preparations. This short film breaths life into an often overlooked character from John Carpenter's HALLOWEEN - Judith Myers may have only had a short appearance in the classic film, but she nevertheless played a crucial role in the forming of the Michael Myers story. Director Josh Hasty (A Mannequin in Static) and writer Kenny Caperton (the creator of The Myers House NC) join forces to reinvent a classic character in an original new story.

Director Josh Hasty
Release Date 27 July 2024
Movie Media
Movie Status
Movie Rating Not rated
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Starring: Sarah Stephenson, Ana Gilmore, Barbara Weetman, Alex Fisher

“Happy Halloween Haddonfield”.  A “Halloween” inspired font rolls the credits of the introduction.  Brian Wilson sings “Don’t Talk”.  Great vintage flickering film effect as a friend enters Judith’s house.   Continue reading

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First Watch: Tag (2015)

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20151 h 25 min

Director Sion Sono
Runtime 1 h 25 min
Release Date 11 July 2015
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Movie Status
Movie Rating Not rated

The opening scene of this movie is over-the-top and sets the tone for the rest of the flick.  Confusing, surreal, and bloody.

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Worth Your Watch? Probably Not!

5 Stars (maybe) movies I consumed this past week. No reviews, just the quick and dirty:

Green Inferno
A Christmas Horror Story
Tales of Halloween
Paranormal Activity – The Ghost Dimension

Worth your watch? Probably not!

RIP: Ben Woolf (Tales of Halloween, American Horror Story Freakshow)

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First Watch – Deadly Blessing by Wes Craven

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Deadly Blessing

A gruesome secret, protected for generations, rises to give its...

19811 h 40 min

This film is set in Amish Country, at a local farm, where a woman's husband is mysteriously killed by his own tractor!

Director Wes Craven
Runtime 1 h 40 min
Release Date 14 August 1981
Movie Media
Movie Status
Movie Rating Not rated
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Another day another movie.  This time I have selected one a little different.  Wes Craven’s Deadly Blessing starring (wait for it) Sharon Stone.

Anytown Indiana,  perhaps?  They don’t tell us where we are exactly, this is just my speculation.  I guess it could also be Pennsylvania or even Ohio.

Meet the Hittites.  They are not Amish.

They make the Amish look like swingers.

So many rave about this film saying it is their favorite from Wes Craven.   I had to find out for myself why a film I have never heard of stands out to so many.

Reason #1- Michael Berryman. You may not know him by name but he is the memorable actor from Wes Craven’s The Hills Have Eyes.   From the very beginning, we are introduced to his character in an unsettling and terrifying way.

Reason #2- Clashing cultures.  A tale told over and over again throughout time that never gets old.

Reason #3- Sharon Stone.   Although she was an unknown actor at the time (this was her first speaking role) we all know who she is now.

Reason #4 –  Bizarre chanting music.  Who doesn’t love creepy chanting?

Reason #5- I haven’t thought of one yet.

This is not a standout movie to me and I will probably never watch it again.

Things to watch for:

Tub scene.  Several shots are identical to Nancy in the tub in Nightmare on Elm Street.  

Without giving away the plot or any spoilers I will leave you with this – If you are a Wes Craven fan or want to see a decent 80s thriller, give it a try.  Nothing about this movie would have me classify it as horror though.


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Top 50 Horror Movies of All Time

I know, I know, it is horrible when you just want to know what is good and you sift through list after list of the same handful of movies.  Well, I am going to save you a ton of time and keep this easy for you.

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Freddy’s Revenge (1985) A Nightmare On Elm St. Part 2

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A Nightmare on Elm Street Part 2: Freddy's Revenge

Someone is coming back to Elm Street!

19851 h 27 min

A new family moves into the house on Elm Street, and before long, the kids are again having nightmares about deceased child murderer Freddy Krueger. This time, Freddy attempts to possess a teenage boy to cause havoc in the real world, and can only be overcome if the boy's sweetheart can master her fear.

Director Jack Sholder
Runtime 1 h 27 min
Release Date 1 November 1985
Movie Media
Movie Status
Movie Rating Not rated
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One of the best 80’s horror flicks by far, Freddy’s Revenge is unlike any other horror movie you have ever seen.

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First Watch – Blood Riders: The Devil Rides with Us (2013)

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Blood Riders: The Devil Rides with Us

20131 h 11 min

Blood Riders is a blood soaked adventure comedy about 4 young friends who stumble upon a body after stealing a car. That discovery pushes the friends on a road trip around town during which they try get rid of the increasing amount of corpses. Along their wild ride the kids encounter neo-Nazis, punk artists, devil worshipers and a plan to resurrect Hitler.

Director Lari Teras
Runtime 1 h 11 min
Release Date 30 November 2013
Movie Media
Movie Status
Movie Rating Not rated
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I enjoyed this movie more than I thought I would.  For the lowdown nitty-gritty, read on.

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First Watch – Friday the 13th

Friday the 13th

They were warned...They are doomed...And on Friday the 13th, nothing will save them.

19801 h 35 min

Camp counselors are stalked and murdered by an unknown assailant while trying to reopen a summer camp that was the site of a child's drowning.

Runtime 1 h 35 min
Release Date 9 May 1980
Movie Media
Movie Status
Movie Rating Average

Many probably do not believe that before a couple of days ago, I had never seen Friday the 13th.  For years I have put off watching this flick because I thought I would not enjoy it at all.  I love Freddy and Michael Myers, do I have room in my heart for Jason Voorhees as well?  To kick off this website, I found it appropriate to conduct a “First Watch” review of Friday the 13th since it is such a popular standard.  If you have seen this movie over and over, you may not remember how you viewed it the first time.  Also, it is 2015 and a lot of time has passed.  How does an adult watching this for the first time in 2015 view the movie?  Read on if you would like to know!

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